How to Get Fit Without the Gym

Hello folks,

I'm writing a quick post from my mobile as I've been left without Internet at home (can you believe this still happens in this day and age?!).

Many times we make excuses or wait for a certain time to get fit(ter), the principle causes being time and money.

Well I've got news for you.  If you really set your mind on getting fit you can do it whether you've got money or not.

How? The Internet is brimming with information.  From nutrition plans to supplements to home workouts - everything you need is at your finger tips.

Use YouTube to find home workout videos which do not use any equipment.  My personal favourites are from Blogilates and Fitness Blender. Look for videos that are suitable for your fitness level (beginner, intermediate or advanced).

Start with 20-minute videos and gradually increase to 30- to 40-minute ones.  Pick a time of the day which is most convenient for you.  I prefer mornings because later in the day I am more likely to be busy and tired. Try to do these home workouts every day (it is recommended to exercise for 30 minutes daily).

Make a schedule of the types of workouts you will do each day. For example, I start my week with lower body/legs workout, followed by upper body/arms & abs, followed by cardio/high intensity interval training.  I repeat these three again on the following three days and end my week with yoga.

All you need is a bit of space in your living room, will power and commitment.  You will start noticing results in 6-12 weeks (but don't forget to eat clean and healthy!) and you will be hooked!

Off you go then.  It's time for a workout!