Are You Meant to Be a CEO or to Run Your Own Show?

Despite summer coming to an end, thousands of graduates and school-leavers are still left wondering where to take their career. Is it worth fighting tooth and nail for that unpaid internship? Or would it be better to work towards setting up your own business like 63% of current undergraduates? May be something in between?

It is a tough decision to make and one which is bound to influence the next few years of your life. But would you believe it if I said that by looking at your personality and skills you can find out what suits you best? Yep that's right! Read on to find out where you fit.

Would you ask someone directly why they are unhappy with you? Are you confident in making decisions based on your intuition? Is it you who always manages to convince your group of friends that it really is a good idea to go out tonight? Yes? Then you are an entrepreneur through and through. You confront situations head-on, are willing to take a risk and believe strongly in your ideas.

Pumped up to start your own business? First, research your industry thoroughly and try to get as much feedback as possible. You may also want to write a business plan and ask a successful entrepreneur to tell you whether it is feasible or how it can be improved. Don't forget to create a strong and professional online presence for yourself and your business idea - you never know who is Googling you!

Not you? Well then do you make important decisions based on your own research of the issue? Do you enjoy meeting new people and sampling the local cuisine when on holiday? Are you often reliant on mutual friends to approach people and make contacts? If this is you then you've got the ability to be your own boss or become a CEO. Perhaps you've got leadership potential but may lack expertise in certain areas.

In this case, the best thing to do would be to work for someone else to gain the necessary skills and knowledge before launching a business. At the same time you could work on your idea outside office hours. Another option to consider is climbing the career ladder - CEOs are great leaders which make important business decisions and reap great rewards without the stress of running their own company.

Don't fit in these two categories? Perhaps you are not a fan of confrontation and prefer lounging with a book on your holiday. Do you find making important decisions stressful and time-consuming? Believe that it's easier to go with the flow rather than convince people to go your way? Don't worry - you are a dream employee! You are secure in your relationships which makes you the perfect colleague. Having control over your working life is key for you which enables you to rise up the ranks.

So what's next? Avoid getting stuck in your current position by establishing clear goals and asking for feedback. If you are not progressing as quickly as you think you should be look for other companies that will reward you for your dedication.

Either way, both - entrepreneurs and CEOs - earn top dollar (think millions) and there is no right or wrong answer. Of course, not everyone is successful. Both career paths involve hard work and sacrifices. But would you rather do something you enjoy or feel miserable for the rest of your working life? No? I didn't think so. May be it is worth a shot to try out something new... something that fits your personality and skills.