Winds of (Career) Change

Just like anything else in life, choosing a career is not easy. On the one hand youngsters are advised to make career choices as early as possible, on the other those already in employment are often encouraged to chase "what makes them happy". We are told: "Choose your path early, but remember you can change it later." 

Is this true? Is it rational? Can you make a sound choice when you haven't tried your hand at something? And can you really change your career any time you like?

These are, indeed, chicken-and-egg-type of questions. The truth is, it takes a while to figure out what you want. And by the time you figure that out, you probably want something else. As sociologists say - the only certain things in life are death and change.

So if you have decided to change winds because you can't face "another day at work", then don't panic.

Changing careers will always have some obstacles, but it is not impossible. Research is key here and the best place to start is to try and figure out your key character traits, strengths and what you enjoy most. 

And here I must say one of the top (and free) online tests to look out for is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. I am impressed at how a few (seemingly) random questions can reveal so much about yourself. Of course, we know most of the things such tests tell us, but we may not always be aware of how we can use this knowledge to choose the right career and achieve self-actualisation.

The test puts you in one of several personality types based on 8 character traits: introvert, extrovert, sensing, intuition, thinking, feeling, judging and perception.

Of course, there are many other tests. And of course the MBTI isn't 100 % accurate (some critics completely dismiss it). But it's pretty close. And it's fun!