Here's a little something to help you up your style stakes:
- Stick to your own signature style which you know looks good on you because not all fashion trends will suit you.
- If you are not sure about an impulsive attraction to a garment or accessory, hold back from buying it until the next day - if you are still thinking about it then go for it!
- V-neck sweaters and t-shirts give the illusion of a longer torso.
- Put on so much spray tan that it ended up on your clothes? Use a lemon wedge to clean up the mess.
- Wear your new leather garment in the rain - the water will soften and stretch the leather and will also allow the garment to crease at specific points on your body.
- Use a hot glue gun to hem skirts and pants in seconds.
- Loads of good accessories (scarves, glasses, hats, jewellery) can transform even the most basic outfit.
- Dry wet shoes naturally in open air. Never use heat - it will cut the lifespan of the shoe in half.
- "Spray shirts prone to sweat stains with lemon juice before washing. The natural acid dissolves alkaline sweat reside that could cause yellow discolouration." - Perrie Samotin,
- Nude pumps give the illusion of longer legs, unlike dark-coloured shoes which can make them seem shorter.