
OK so it is taking longer than usual to revamp my blog, but as a rookie I think I'm allowed some extra time :). 

So, in order to keep things flowing I wanted to share with you a few interesting things that I have come across lately:

  • Women better at finance than their male counterparts? A recent newspaper article cited research that women were naturally predisposed to handle money - they do their homework (read: research), are more realistic and make more money. Why, you may wonder. It's because women are more patient, avoid risks and pay more attention to detail. Who runs the world? Girls!
  • Moving forward to the downright outrageous - Twitter has introduced a country-specific censorship policy. Yes, it's old news for the Twitterati, but I still can't get over it. What happened to freedom of speech? To top that up the US Government has launched SOPA and PIPA which also aim to control cyberspace. Don't they get it - it's the 21st century in which people know what they want and how to get it. The whizz kids will find a way to get around these restrictions in no time.
  • And to finish off on a lighter note, here's some new UK talent you might want to please your ears with:

That's it for now folks. I'll try my best to finish with the renovations here before I head back to UK. 

Snowing-ly yours,