As I mentioned in my last post, on Monday afternoon I headed to the set of 'The Sapphires'. The feature film is about an all-female quartet of soul singers who visit various military base camps and entertain the soldiers during the Vietnam war. Situated outside of Camden, in the beautiful countryside, getting to the set was challenging enough! Luckily Luce, who joined me for this adventure, sort of knew her way around...
Once there, we were put through costume and make up (basically baby oil and black paint - the mortal combat look):
After shooting a few scenes of us, soldiers, cheering on as the soul singers performed, we got down to business. The 'under attack' scenes were exhilarating to say the least. Real M60s firing off, pyrotechnics which mimicked bomb explosions and a tanker bombarding the night sky - it was a real war zone. And if running under a real military chopper which had just lifted off doesn't get your heart racing, I don't know what does!! Unfortunately cameras were not allowed on set.
Despite the long hours and the freezing cold at night, this was a lovely experience. I got to see the countryside, stay in a beautiful country house (for a few hours) and made some new friends. That's it for now folks. Check back in a week for a new post from your truly.