A Post to Remember

In the gear up to Christmas and New Year, I wanted to write a meaningful post. One which will change my readers' thoughts, and hopefully their actions for the better. There were a lot of options tossed on the table (like why people should join online reunions - thanks J & S). But then I woke up on this fine Sunday morning and came across something fairly disturbing.

As some of you may know, I am keen or getting my feet firmly into PR world and am an avid reader of PR-related news and academic articles. This morning, however, I was not conducting yet another search on top PR campaigns. Yet, I came across (via social media) a very powerful PR campaign. One that relates to our consumerist age and the impacts of mindless and excessive shopping. 

Recently I posted a photo (see above) on my Facebook page (click on the circle button to the right) about buying local produce and how that can help someone in your community pay college or their child's dance lessons. Last year I also wrote an article for my university's student press about the effects of Christmas frenzy shopping and how the environment and the factory workers were suffering just to make our holidays "filled with joy".

But this is on a whole new level. This campaign is not here just for Christmas and the Boxing day sales which will ensue. It is here to stay and I am sure it is one you will remember for years. The original writer asked for this to be reblogged and I am happy to oblige. Read on, my dears, but be aware it may be a bite too big to swallow:

“A young woman was restrained, force-fed and injected with cosmetics in a high street shop window as part of a hard-hitting protest against animal testing.
Jacqueline Traide was tortured in front of hundreds of horrified shoppers in a bid to raise awareness and end the practise.
The 24-year-old endured 10 hours of experiments, which included having her hair shaved and irritants squirted in her eyes, as part of a worldwide campaign by Lush Cosmetics and The Humane Society.
The disturbing stunt took place in Lush’s Regent Street store, one of the UK’s busiest shopping streets.
Jacqueline appeared genuinely terrified as she was pinned down on a bench and had her mouth stretched open with two metal hooks while a man in a white coat force-fed her until she choked and gagged.
The artist was also injected with numerous needles, had her skin braised and lotions and creams smeared across her face.
Passers-by were gobsmacked to see Jacqueline, a social sculpture student at Oxford Brookes University, forced to have a section of her head shaved.
The gruesome spectacle aimed to highlight the cruelty inflicted on animals during cosmetic laboratory tests and raise awareness that animal testing is still a common practise.
The Humane Society International and Lush Cosmetics have joined forces to launch the largest-ever global campaign to end animal testing for cosmetics.
The campaign, launched to coincide with World Week for Animals in Laboratories, is being rolled out simultaneously in over 700 Lush Ltd shops across forty-seven countries including the United States, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Russia.
Lush campaign manager Tamsin Omond said: “The ironic thing is that if it was a beagle in the window and we were doing all these things to it, we’d have the police and RSPCA here in minutes.
“But somewhere in the world, this kind of thing is happening to an animal every few seconds on average.
“The difference is, it’s normally hidden. We need to remind people it is still going on.”
For more information about the campaign, visit www.fightinganimaltesting.com”

“A young woman was restrained, force-fed and injected with cosmetics in a high street shop window as part of a hard-hitting protest against animal testing.

Jacqueline Traide was tortured in front of hundreds of horrified shoppers in a bid to raise awareness and end the practise.

The 24-year-old endured 10 hours of experiments, which included having her hair shaved and irritants squirted in her eyes, as part of a worldwide campaign by Lush Cosmetics and The Humane Society.

The disturbing stunt took place in Lush’s Regent Street store, one of the UK’s busiest shopping streets.

Jacqueline appeared genuinely terrified as she was pinned down on a bench and had her mouth stretched open with two metal hooks while a man in a white coat force-fed her until she choked and gagged.

The artist was also injected with numerous needles, had her skin braised and lotions and creams smeared across her face.

Passers-by were gobsmacked to see Jacqueline, a social sculpture student at Oxford Brookes University, forced to have a section of her head shaved.

The gruesome spectacle aimed to highlight the cruelty inflicted on animals during cosmetic laboratory tests and raise awareness that animal testing is still a common practise.

The Humane Society International and Lush Cosmetics have joined forces to launch the largest-ever global campaign to end animal testing for cosmetics.

The campaign, launched to coincide with World Week for Animals in Laboratories, is being rolled out simultaneously in over 700 Lush Ltd shops across forty-seven countries including the United States, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Russia.

Lush campaign manager Tamsin Omond said: “The ironic thing is that if it was a beagle in the window and we were doing all these things to it, we’d have the police and RSPCA here in minutes.

“But somewhere in the world, this kind of thing is happening to an animal every few seconds on average.

“The difference is, it’s normally hidden. We need to remind people it is still going on.”

For more information about the campaign, visit www.fightinganimaltesting.com”


Yes, it is insane. But it has also made a valid point. I will leave it to the PR experts to determine whether this is a campaign taken to the extreme or a new generation buzz creator. All I know is that it has a strong message behind it. A message that we should all remember.

New Nail Trends

The festive season is upon us and we are all about to, if not already, to intensify our beauty regimens. Ladies & gents, you may have been trying to get fitter for several months now, but the time has come to take actions with visible results. What am I talking about? Beauty treatments of course! And whilst men have limited options (facial and a cut?), we, ladies, are free to splurge on a myriad of things.

But today I will focus on one: manicures.

You may do then regularly,  but this is the time to change and experiment with your talons! Here's my pick of the hottest nail trends this season.

The Remake of Retro Red

The fiery red has been taken to new heights this season.

Shimmering Sparkles

Micro glitters are your best option if you think mega sparkles are too flashy.

Pretty Pastels

Just like the weather, the nudes have gone colder!


For the mischievous at heart, these colour-change nail varnishes are the ultimate fun!
Which one will be your festive hue? Or would you be going for nail art appliqués instead? Share your thoughts below :)

The Truth About Food Cravings and How to Banish Them

Food cravings. A part of everyday life. As you read this post, millions of people around the world are craving some kind of a treat. But why do we crave certain foods? And why are those unhealthy in most cases? Let's find out.

Some nutritionists have claimed that it is today's obsession with fad diets are the cause of our constant cravings. Take for example the obesity researcher Zoe Harcombe's so called "controversial" claim that dieting actually makes people fat. I've put controversial in quotation marks because it is everything but controversial.  Why? Well, as the author herself explains, telling people to eat less makes them eat more because the avoidance of hunger is a fundamental human instinct. No one wants to starve! Moral of the story: you shouldn't eat LESS, instead you should focus on eating better.

But how do diets make us fat? Simple. Those embarking on a diet often go for foods labelled low fat or diet. The problem with these is that they tend to be either carb-heavy foods which are low on calories or full of artificial sugars (e.g. cereals). Oh did I say carbs are sugars? You see where I'm going?  Sugar is the culprit here, as I've said in a previous post.

Processed diet foods cause sugar spikes, which are followed by sugar dips and the onset of cravings for more unhealthy foods.This, as you may have guessed, is a vicious cycle which is hard to break. The key to stopping this, according to Harcombe, is to try eating only foods which can be found in the natural environment - meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables and fruit.

So now that we know that dieting and eating a lot of processed foods is the cause of our cravings, what can we do in those moments of weakness when we just get our favourite treat out of our minds? Interestingly, scientists have put together a table with the type of cravings and a healthy alternative to satisfy them. They have created this table based on the rationale that each craving we get is a signal that our bodies lack certain nutrients (vitamins, minerrals, etc.). Let's take a look:

If you crave this...What you really need is...And here are healthy foods that have it:
ChocolateMagnesiumRaw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
SweetsChromiumBroccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken
CarbonFresh fruits
PhosphorusChicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains
SulfurCranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage
TryptophanCheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach
Bread, toastNitrogenHigh protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans
Oily snacks, fatty foodsCalciumMustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
Coffee or teaPhosphorousChicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes
SulfurEgg yolks, red peppers, muscle protein, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables
NaCl (salt)Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)
IronMeat, fish and poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries
Alcohol, recreational drugsProteinMeat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts
AveninGranola, oatmeal
CalciumMustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
GlutamineSupplement glutamine powder for withdrawal, raw cabbage juice
PotassiumSun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens
Chewing iceIronMeat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries
Burned foodCarbonFresh fruits
Soda and other carbonated drinksCalciumMustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame
Salty foodsChlorideRaw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt
Acid foodsMagnesiumRaw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
Preference for liquids rather than solidsWaterFlavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
Preference for solids rather than liquidsWaterYou have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst. Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
Cool drinksManganeseWalnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
Pre-menstrual cravingsZincRed meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables
General overeatingSiliconNuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
TryptophanCheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach
TyrosineVitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables
Lack of appetiteVitamin B1Nuts, seeds, beans, liver and other organ meats
Vitamin B3Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds and legumes
ManganeseWalnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
ChlorideRaw goat milk, unrefined sea salt
TobaccoSiliconNuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
TyrosineVitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables

After going through this table, I noticed that in quite a few cases you are meant to eat the opposite of your cravings (e.g. craving solids = water; bread/carbs = proteins; etc.). Conclusion? We need to learn to listen to our bodies. We need to learn to decipher the messages our bodies are sending us. And we need to train our taste buds to like the foods that are best for our bodies. This is all possible with determination, patience and most importantly a great love and respect for your body. It is through the body that we live, so why not show it some love?

Top 5 Facebook Posts

Did you know this blog has a Facebook page? And did you know I post there daily?  
If you didn't, let me tell you that you are missing out loads of fun! So why don't you click on the media icon to the right, or click here, and hit like. 
Here are the most popular posts on the page:

Did you like these? Make sure you check my page for more photos and quotes :)