Halloween Fashion

It's always hard to find that perfect outfit, but when it comes to Halloween it's extra hard. Trying to look like a character and yet not ridiculous is not an easy task. Look no further! Here are some great costume ideas from the latest Halloween celebration at home :)

Love the lace gloves :D
Trick or treat? Enjoy!

Summer Florals

Finally the weather in Sydney is starting to warm up. The long awaited beach trips and park walks are finally happening and I had to start making some additions to my summer wardrobe. Luckily for me I didn't have to look far - check out this cute Cotton On skirt that cast me just $2 (yes you read that right)!!

Yellow nail polish courtesy of the Revlon Glam Van event last month

Love the pockets!

With the floral trend still present on Australian runways, this skirt is perfect for welcoming the Oz summer. So, what is your favourite clothing piece for this summer dear reader?

Much love x


It has been a long time since I last got dressed up so well. But last night's Resball, organised by UTS Housing, did require me to rise up to the occasion as you can see:

Needless to say, my friends and I were uber-excited and started planning our outfits from the night before :)

Great music + delicious food + amazing people = perfect atmosphere

Best Male Mask winner
Not only did he have the best mask but also the best dance moves

The party was a nice distraction from all those assignments that seem to be chasing everyone at the moment. You know what they say - keep it short and simple. Until next time.


Beach Chic

I'm back!!! After surviving a devastating, self-inflicted hacker/virus attack, I'm finally back on track. I know it's been long since my last post. In fact, so much has happened that it seems it's been ages! For the past couple of weeks I was on a uni break, which was plagued by misfortunes just so you know. Nonetheless despite the bleak weather and all other factors which were working against me, Silvia and I did manage to have some fun. We went to the beach and out & about the city:

Even bad weather could not stop us!
We did, however, get a bit of sunshine.
Hyde Park
St. Mary's cathedral
The domain (public park area)
NSW Art Gallery

Escape the hustle and bustles of the city.... in the city itself! The Royal Botanical Gardens
A little lost bunny at Darling Harbour.

And finally a touch of fashion... my 'relaxing' beach outfit :).
 That's it from me for now 'mates' :p. Currently you can only reach me here or via my email or phone number. No Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn (poor customer service I must say). Hopefully I will be 100% back in cyberspace soon! Miss you all!