
Alright folks, as I promised in my last post this one will be about 'love'. Love is present in all relationships - be it platonic or not. And during this festive season, as people get together to celebrate, love should be manifesting itself in every home. 

New Year's resolutions? I urge you to love more, give more, stop existing and start living

Wish you all a fashionably great 2012!

Leaving you, dear reader, with a piece of wisdom:

"What gets you to the altar is likely to be quite different than what keeps you married in the long-term. Not recognizing this transition and adapting with different practices will also get you in trouble."

Until next year-ly yours,
Miranda x

Life on a Cloud

I have just come to realise that lately I've been focusing mostly on fashion and forgetting about the other two topics of my blog - life and love. To be honest, sometimes it is difficult to come up with something interesting to write about. After all, what's interesting for me might not be interesting for you.

However, today I did come across something quite intriguing. Considering that in the past month I have spent over 28 hours on planes, I was pleasantly surprised when I read about something called a 'social seating initiative'. This refers to the use of social media to select your 'seatmate' before your flight (yay!). Now passengers of certain airlines can link their Facebook and LinkedIn profiles to their booking and check out others that have done so. Meaning you can check out other passengers' profiles and choose to sit next to someone you think will make that long flight bearable.

Who says you can't party on a plane?

What's even better than that? It's the ability to get your very own in-flight 'CloudStream', which allows you to access your own selection of pre-loaded online content. Think watching Lady Gaga's latest video or reading the online version of your favourite magazine (How cool is that?).

There is something even more exciting. Imagine browsing on your laptop, reading your text messages and listening to the latest news on live TV whilst you are flying over some magnificent clouds. How does that sound? Pretty amazing, at least for me. I'm tired of switching off 'all electronic devices with active connections'. Even the best in-flight entertainment can make one restless on a 20 hour journey. And as it seems in the near future I will continue to fly, I truly cannot wait to become a social high-flyer!

So, who's ready to select a seatmate online?

Hopefully the next post should be something about 'love'. What does love mean to you? Think about it.

Until next time post!

A Tribute to Australia

G'day mates!

First off I would like to apologise for the prolonged absence of posts on my blog. You see, for the past 3 weeks I've been travelling quite a lot, trying to experience the wonders of Oz as much as possible. And I can't deny it - I have, indeed, fallen in love with the country. Unfortunately, my time here has come to an end and hence the title of this post.

When I started this blog I wrote a post about my experiences at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Well, needless to say the university is great! Among its students' many achievements is the popular fashion label bec & bridge. It all started in 2001, when 2nd year fashion design students & best mates Bridget Yorston and Becky Cooper started altering their friends' jeans which led to their first order of 200 pairs of jeans from a shop on the Gold Coast.

Fast forward to 2011 and the label has clocked up some pretty impressive achievements. With a solid base of celebrity followers, including Miranda Kerr, the bec & bridge collections are stocked in David Jones stores (the Australian version of Harrods or  Bloomingsdales) Australia-wide. The label also opened the 2011 Australian Fashion week and has just started selling in Europe and Asia due to an increased demand from international buyers.

This being said, I would like to conclude my post with a salute to fellow Aussie bloggers Margaret Zhang from Shine by Three and Maria from Crashing Red who encouraged me to start my own blog several months ago.

Thank you Australia! You shall be missed greatly!


White Summer

Finally the heat of summer is here! And as the temperatures here in Sydney soar, I noticed that I have quite a few white pieces, which are perfect for deflecting the sunlight. So I decided to put together this short post (sorry for the quality - if only there were more hours in a day...sigh...) on summer attire. I just love the colour white - it gives a sense of peace. In fact colour psychologists say the colour white calls for new beginnings and helps clear the mind. Here's what I found in my closet:

American Eagle Outfitters top

Z-brand shorts
Zara tunic
River Island linen shorts
Top from London's Camden street markets
Jean Blush wedge boots
Hope you enjoyed rummaging through my closet :). I'll be travelling quite a bit in the next couple of weeks so I would like to apologise in advance for possibly not doing my regular weekly posts. Have a great summer folks! Well at least those of you in Australia :)

With Love,

The Vintage Look

While those of you near an H&M store might be looking forward to donning some colourful pieces of their new Versace collection, those of us in Oz land have to find other ways to spice up our closets. We may not have H&M here, but we've got some lovely vintage shops. And we all know vintage does the trick - can't get the latest? Well, why not wear the greatest ;) Here's what I'm talking about:

These were just some of my favourites - colour and print will be big this summer! All of these lovely dresses and more can be found at Now, I'm not going to tell you all the gems this online boutique hides, but you might also want to check out the beautiful hand crafted designs inspired by Sydney's Inner West and Blue Mountains.

So if you do want to stand out from the crowds this summer, but you don't have the chance to snatch up some affordable Versace dresses, I suggest you click here ASAP!

Halloween Fashion

It's always hard to find that perfect outfit, but when it comes to Halloween it's extra hard. Trying to look like a character and yet not ridiculous is not an easy task. Look no further! Here are some great costume ideas from the latest Halloween celebration at home :)

Love the lace gloves :D
Trick or treat? Enjoy!

Summer Florals

Finally the weather in Sydney is starting to warm up. The long awaited beach trips and park walks are finally happening and I had to start making some additions to my summer wardrobe. Luckily for me I didn't have to look far - check out this cute Cotton On skirt that cast me just $2 (yes you read that right)!!

Yellow nail polish courtesy of the Revlon Glam Van event last month

Love the pockets!

With the floral trend still present on Australian runways, this skirt is perfect for welcoming the Oz summer. So, what is your favourite clothing piece for this summer dear reader?

Much love x


It has been a long time since I last got dressed up so well. But last night's Resball, organised by UTS Housing, did require me to rise up to the occasion as you can see:

Needless to say, my friends and I were uber-excited and started planning our outfits from the night before :)

Great music + delicious food + amazing people = perfect atmosphere

Best Male Mask winner
Not only did he have the best mask but also the best dance moves

The party was a nice distraction from all those assignments that seem to be chasing everyone at the moment. You know what they say - keep it short and simple. Until next time.


Beach Chic

I'm back!!! After surviving a devastating, self-inflicted hacker/virus attack, I'm finally back on track. I know it's been long since my last post. In fact, so much has happened that it seems it's been ages! For the past couple of weeks I was on a uni break, which was plagued by misfortunes just so you know. Nonetheless despite the bleak weather and all other factors which were working against me, Silvia and I did manage to have some fun. We went to the beach and out & about the city:

Even bad weather could not stop us!
We did, however, get a bit of sunshine.
Hyde Park
St. Mary's cathedral
The domain (public park area)
NSW Art Gallery

Escape the hustle and bustles of the city.... in the city itself! The Royal Botanical Gardens
A little lost bunny at Darling Harbour.

And finally a touch of fashion... my 'relaxing' beach outfit :).
 That's it from me for now 'mates' :p. Currently you can only reach me here or via my email or phone number. No Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn (poor customer service I must say). Hopefully I will be 100% back in cyberspace soon! Miss you all!